Friday, April 14, 2006

The Things They Say

Michael has recently witnessed me attempting to mend our telly which keeps going on the blink. Yesterday, there was this irritating banging sound coming from his room. I ventured in to find him banging his scissors repeatedly on the table - "they're not working!" he said. "No Michael," I replied "banging only works for electricals, I'm afraid. We'll have to leave the scissors for daddy to mend when he gets home." (It's not that I'm particularly incompetent and I'm not sexist, I'm just totally lazy - and this sort of thing always gets left for daddy to do when he gets home). (Poor Mario smiles and looks at me with a pitiful face - "too tricky for you is it dear?" "Yes Mario, you know I can't do technical things like that. But Michael will be so pleased if you can fix it" - and off I go to pour a glass of wine and relax in front of Coronation Street)!

If Mario reads this I'm in trouble....

Only joking, dear husband, I really am incompetent. Keep up the good work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm - John has just fixed the "electrics" that Michael and Adam fixed to Ruth's pushchair on Tuesday - I even leave the yarny techy stuff to my husband ;-)