Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The name's Horsfield.

James Bond is licensed to kill. I, self-important-cough, am licensed to administrate psychometric assessments. You know the things - you do them sometimes on training courses or when applying for a job: 100 statements, along the lines of "I prefer a night in watching TV to going out with a group of friends", with which you must either a) agree or b) disagree. "But it depends...", you want to say. "Sorry," says the assessment administrator (i.e. me) "agree or disagree. And no more talking please". Then your results are processed and your true nature revealed: "well Ruth, you are an introverted, neurotic pedant who would work very well with goldfish. Oh and our secretly built-in lie detector test has revealed that you responded dishonestly to many statements in order to make yourself seem a better person. So you're a liar too."

Anyway, Ive constructed a lovely list of statements here. Lovely because, according to my narrow-minded view of the world, you can really easily choose either one or the other option. It's all very clear-cut. You are either a) or b) - never a bit of both. Here goes:
smoker or non-smoker
left-wing or right-wing
veggie, non-veggie
townie or country bump.
dog person or cat person
wallpaper or paint
watch or don't watch football
spiders ok, spiders scary
sci fi yes, sci fi no
jacket spud or fries
cleanse, tone and moisturise or soap, water and straight to bed

The downside to my marvellous list of statements is that they indicate little about anything (need to work on that one), except p'haps that at 37 I might be a bit slimmer and have fewer wrinkles if I could tick the last two differently!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry Sweetie (?!) I'm firmly suburban - neither townie nor country bump.

(There's always one - mutter, mutter, mutter...)

Ruth said...

I knew it. I just knew it. And you won't be the only one...!!

I don't know. Who'd be a psychometric test creator, hey!?

Louise said...

Urm, I'm another one. I like animals. Horses, dogs, cats, well, the lot really. With you on the spiders tho'. Big, fat SCARY!!

Anonymous said...

And you had me with you right up to the second question - right or left? I need "none of the above"!


pax et bonum

Ruth said...

Right or left - none of the above? I'm interested. Would that be a bit of both of the above or really none of the above? Ahh, perhaps on fence? No. I think not. I love your blog, John and if I could work out how to link to it from mine, I would...

I'm glad that I didn't include:
Times Reader or Guardian Reader in my list, but I do think I could have included:
bath or shower.... come you either one or the other with the bath / shower. No-one alternates! Ever.

Anonymous said...

bath/shower - depends on how much time there is...