Monday, April 03, 2006

May Day Fair

This May 1st, I have total and all-out responsibility for the children's stalls at the church's May Fair. I took this on with a heavy heart, and then felt a little guilty about that because it's for good causes and I don't do much to be honest. This is the first time I've involved myself in a bazaar (as we used to call them in Cleobury) since I was a child when I attended many many many (comes with the job description when you're a vicar's daughter, along with bell-ringing (church and hand), serving, singing in the choir, teaching at Sunday School, reading the lesson, attending all of any curate's youth initiatives and remembering not to start eating before grace is said when the bishop comes to lunch.... oh, and not flirting with his chauffeur who has to sit and wait in the kitchen). I have very amusing memories of creeping like snail unwillingly to church on Saturday afternoons to rehearse Sunday's lesson reading, with dad sitting on the back pew and stopping me after each syllable to correct my ellocution. The funny thing is, the previous vicar's daughter is now a sports reporter on national radio and many of the villagers have muddled us up and think it's me!! ("Hasn't she done well, that vicar's daughter").

Back to the fair. It's looming and I'm procrastinating. What I need more than anything are volunteers (Stop! Please don't turn off your computer! I'm not about to cajole my reader(s) into travelling 100s of miles to run the "name the doll". I very efficiently produced a form for Sunday School parents to complete, with a tick box for "yes I'll help" (yes, I'm teaching at Sunday School again... but not bellringing etc.) . That seemed like the job done. That was a while ago. I've had one form back (and the scout-leader's not returned my calls about the coconut shy). At some point, I'm going to have to start PANICKING. But not yet hey....

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