Friday, June 23, 2006

The Mouth Says It All

I went to the dentist for a check-up today. For many years I had a phobia about going to see the dentist. I don't know why that began, but by the time you've not been for a check-up for 16 years, you have good reason to fear going for one! I conquered my fear of dentists 6 years ago and I am rather proud of that - because it was a very deep-rooted fear. I still become nervous before a visit - doesn't everyone? But it is totally manageable now.

I was driven to seeing a dentist in the end because of the extreme pain that I was suffering as my wisdom teeth came through. These were rather painlessly removed and on top of that I needed just two (very large) fillings. So I was lucky. Today I escaped scot-free but for the bill.

Prior to visiting a dentist 6 years ago I searched the internet for ideas to help me conquer my fear. I found sites containing details of why other people were afraid to go to the dentist. So I was not alone. This helped. I also found details of many practices that specialised in treating nervous patients - using everything from hypnotherapy to soft-music, aromatherapy, counselling, pre-consulation visits, mild sedation... I realised that at the end of the day, regardless of whatever music was playing in the background or whatever scents filled the air, I was going to have to lie flat and allow a dentist to look in my mouth (I hate the lying flat bit -it makes me feel so vulnerable). So I skipped all that and just went.

I am now considering a little cosmetic work. It has been suggested by my dentist that "teeth straightening and whitening would make all the difference". My mouth, when relaxed, looks like a squashed tomato that someone has thrown at my face and my chin manages to be strangely none-existent and yet, at the same time, double. My husband feels that I need no longer concern myself too much with my appearance as I am married now, and I can see his point in a way. (So nothing at all to do with the cost of these ventures then, dear husband!) But I rather fancy entering my 40s with something of the Cameron Diaz about my looks...

But, who cares! I'm alive!! I've conquered a fear!!! If you never have, you MUST. You must develop a fear right away just so that you can conquer it. It's WELL WORTH IT! (If you have difficulty thinking of a fear, please feel free to contact me. I have a few more that I could lend you).

(I'm sorry, Kathryn, if you are reading this. I know you told me to stop saying horrible things about the way I look and I will. From now on I will. I promise. OK. The truth is: I think that I, like many, many people, can look everything from $1m to 1 euro, depending upon an awful lots of things (make-up, mood, month-time - I wonder if I can make them all begin with "m"? I also think that a kind, smiley face is worth its weight in botox).


Anonymous said...

Well done - I've had something of a breakthrough myself in the last few days - and it's in large part thanks to you and Kathryn... I'll spare you the details on here - but I will put them on my blog...

Solidus said...

"It has been suggested by my dentist that "teeth straightening and whitening would make all the difference"."

Hmm. Call me a cynic if you will but I'm betting that this is a private dentist, yes? I wouldn't trust his judgement on such things - and certainly once you see the bill!

If you want whiter teeth, use one of those fancy toothpastes. (The dentist should be giving you a polish in any case, which is very cheap.) As for straighter - I've certainly never noticed anything wrong with your teeth! If you want a bit of Cameron Diaz, spend the money on a weekend at a good spa. It'll do as much for your looks and you'll have a much better time :-)

pax et bonum

Mir said...

3 cheers, and fireworks for you! I totally understand, and appreciate the courage that it takes to face a fear, and be victorious.

Courage, in my opinion, is not a lack of fear, it is being afraid, and yet continuing on.

Standing applause from this end of the world!

As for getting your teeth done, I would suggest that YOU choose what you are comfortable with. Do not let your opinion of yourself be dictated by other's eyes.

If you can see love in the faces of your family, and friends, if you can speak, eat, and talk without strain, if you are comfortable and happy.. then no amount of dental cosmetic work will change that. If you see only the faults in yourself, then no amount of dental cosmetic work will change that either.

I suggest that you rejoice in your success, and strive for future positives in your life. :-)

Ruth said...

May I just say that the WISDOM of the commenters on this blog astounds me.

You are right, John, in that this treatment would be done privately (but in his defense, he is a nice man, my dentist, and does not appear to exploit his patients in any way). I have nothing but praise for him - he has really helped me to overcome my phobia and is so incredibly polite, kind and lovely.

And Supergroup7 - you're right too. I can talk and eat without any problems. My daughter (age 18 months) looks at me as if I am the most beautiful thing that she has ever seen. I've noticed that she seems to enjoy her food and drink more if she can see my face - the sight of me seems to add to the pleasure. Isn't that AMAZING (worthy of a post in itself really).

Ruth said...

Hi Sandysknitting! Thank you for paying my blog a visit and for commenting. Thank you for the whitening advice. I shall be investigating that (as my dentist would charge £300 just for that part of the process).

I'm off now.... to visit your blog. It sounds to me like it's knitting related (ah, I don't miss much, me) and that's a new hobby of mine.

Tara - see you in a minute on your blog!!

Louise said...

When I see your face (all-be-it only in photos of late...) it always makes me happy. Sad for not seeing it everyday in the flesh, but happy and warm. You have the most beautiful and loving face (other than my husband!) and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Yet another warm and fuzzy moment presented to you from your Scottish Fan club.