Sunday, July 30, 2006

One Snow White and No Dwarfs

I'm afraid that this is the best photo I have of myself as Snow White at Michael's school fair (Hello Magazine weren't there; I'm sure they would have done better)! Funnily enough, that's Michael in the photo with me.

At this precise moment, Michael is behaving as if he is on a sugar high. He is being over-noisy, over-lively (to say the least) and is hyper-excited. This is unfortunate. I have counted to "2". Once I count to "3", it's "time-out" and he has to stay in his room alone - usually for 4 minutes, but this time it'll be till morning (as it's nearly bedtime anyway). The throuble is, this computer is also in his room, which means that if and when I reach "3", I'll suffer as much as he does - computer will have be turned off and no more blogging!

OK. That's it. "THREE".


Louise said...

"There may be throuble ahead.."

'Throuble'? Is that like 'throusers', or 'throunce', 'throut', 'throuper. Stop me when I get too silly...

Anonymous said...

Oh poor Michael ;-)

Mir said...

You look LOVELY! What a nice picture to keep for memories!

Rainbow dreams said...

It is a lovely photo :-)

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