Friday, July 07, 2006


I may be quizzed on this tomorrow at 11.00am, when I become Snow White for 100 eager children (who can't WAIT to meet her - OOOOHHHHHH HEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPPPP). (Michael has asked me to repair his torn Snow White book, so that he can show it to "the real Snow White" - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLPP)
So it's:
Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy.

I'm off now, to collect my costume. Michael's coming with me (how will I explain this???? "Mummy offered to have Snow White's costume cleaned and ironed for her and we're just going to pick it up....?")

Oh what a tangled web we weave
when first we practise to the nursery school fair as Snow White.

Wish me luck. I have to say, I'll be offering one of my more bizarre prayers up to the Good Lord at 10.57 hours tomorrow!! If you, too, can bear to say a quick "Lord, make Ruth a good Snow White, Amen" it'll be much appreciated!

Heigh Ho


Anonymous said...

"heigh ho, it's off to the fair we go!"


Hope it all goes well!

pax et bonum

Anonymous said...

Good luck. (And in future, remember kids, just say "No!")

You'll be great, it'll be fun, and Michael will be thrilled if he rumbles you, and if he doesn't he'll be thrilled as well.

Mir said...

Maybe I'm off my rocker.. but um.. wouldn't it be better to include Micheal in the fun by allowing him to know that you are going to be Snow White for the party, and asking him to join you in the fun of the illusion, instead of trying to "fool" him into believing that it is the real Snow White?

But then.. I'm one of those really mean awful mommies that told my kids about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and refused the tooth fairy to come into my home.

We created our own traditions together. The children and I decided that on Christmas eve, that the Christmas Herald Angels will bring gifts of grace to every house. ( It might be toys, it might be peace, it might be joy.. but you will ALWAYS get gifts.) It's almost a lottery every year as to which one of the kids gets to become a Christmas Angel, and help Mom set up the house.

Easter? The Angels are to blame for hiding the eggs.. and boy with the wings they have, they can put the eggs in the most obscure places.

Teeth? Well... for some reason the kids wanted a combination of tooth ants and spiders. The ants come to collect the tooth that has to be placed on the desk beside their bed. The spiders have to carry the money because it's a bit too bulky for the ants. Together the ants, and spiders split the profit they make from selling the ivory of our teeth.. Yeesh.. my teenager came up with that one!

Ruth said...

Thank you for your messages of support! I was ever so nervous when the time came yesterday but.... it went REALLY WELL!!!! I LOVED IT!!"!!! D'ya know, it was great not being Ruth for a while - all I had to do was to smile and say hello to all the children - just being Snow White and not worrying about "what to say to people and what people thought about Ruth" was lovely.

I read your comments after the event - but I did, at the eleventh hour, let Michael in on the secret - and he was absolutely fine about it.

Supergroup7 - I like the sound of your family traditions. We don't do Easter bunnies over here (do we? well we don't in this house anyway) and we've not reached tooth fairy time yet - but I actually regret the degree to which I've pushed the Father Christmas thing. I might start to play it down a little. I'm afriad that I think the lying belittles and patronises them and the whole thing creates a rather unsavoury example of parental control: "be good or father christmas won't come".

One of my mistakes as a parent is the excessive no. of toys I've given Michael - esp at Christmas (although I can take no credit for any of them cos they're all from santa...). Sorry about the structure of that sentence but I'm in a rush - infact I must go now as I'm doing Sunday School this morning!

Best wishes everyone - and thank you for reading!