Wednesday, August 23, 2006

We're blogging along (to be sung to the tune used in 'Bits and Bobs" - Anne'll know what I mean....)

There are some things in life that I'll never be able to do. I don't think I'll ever be able to dive into the pool off a board, I'll never win the X-Factor, and it seems I'll never be able to produce a nice list of links to my favourite blogs down the right hand side of this blog. It's just not happening.

Lately, I've come across a fair few good'uns, most of them theological. Now there are one or two blogs that are havens of tranquility. They attract only a few comments - they are peaceful places; inciteful, intellectual, informative, but peaceful. And I love you all, really I do, but you're a rowdy lot sometimes and I'm afraid I'm not going to take you to these - not without first asking the permission of the authors!

Anyway here are four others and if you DO visit them, I want best behaviour please! (Seriously, I do love you all and I'm learning a lot from your debates - I'm also developing quite a passion for all things theological and biblical):

and finally, none of you will want to visit this one, but it was quite a find for me:



TCA said...

Here's how you insert links to other blogs, or any other website for that matter. You need to go into the 'template' portion of your set-up. You do these by logging on as normal, clicking on the name of your blog as if you were going to make a posting, but click on the "Template" tab rather than the "Posting" tab.

Scroll down the code until you see the 'Edit Me' prompts that are already provided (you can see these appear on the links section of your site currently to prompt you!). You then replace this with lines in the following format (not including the 1st & last inverted commas:


E.G.:">Diamond Back Bikes

If you want to add blank lines to space things out a bit then add "br" inside "<>" brackets to the code, the code for a line break.

One more tip - you can "preview" your modification before you save them - I would recommend this as it can stuff up your template if you make a mistake.

Good luck, let me know how you get on.. and if you want some idea of how it might look check out our site my clinking on my display name - TCA2006.

Louise said...

Me too, I know that one! Thankfully, my days of Bits and Bobs, Doodle Do, Tikkabilla etc are nearly over, but I've yet to persuade them that Chuckle Brothers is a heap of doodle do!

I shall visit these blogs forthwith and behave impeccably, I promise.


Mary Beth said...

Thanks for those links, Ruth! I'll look forward to checking them out.

Anonymous said...

Hah! As if Adam having a tooth out wasn't enough (it all went fine) - now I've got that tune on the brain... - love you really!

Ruth said...

Thank you very much for your help tcs2006. Today is a rainy bank holiday - perfect for messing about with my template. Alas, I think that my previous attempts at this HAVE messed my template up - I can't even find the 'edit me' command in there any more.... :-(

Never mind. I'll keep working at it - I might even start a whole new blog.

Thanks again!