Thursday, August 31, 2006


I was once present at a discussion between two vicars (this is a true story). They seemed to be struggling to get the conversation going. In an attempt to do so, one said to the other, in a very measured way and with a lot of emphasis on the verb, "have you exorcised lately?". It really made me laugh (but not out loud). You know how things do.... sometimes......tickle you.....

I think you probably had to be there.

I have exercised lately. I wonder how you'll react to that statement of fact. You see, if I am doing something amiss or not doing something "I should be doing", I feel a whole lot better if a friend admits to sharing the same problem. So, for example, if I were to say to a friend that my left leg was falling off, I'd feel a whole lot better if she were to reply that hers was too. For some reason, the fact that my left leg's dropping off becomes much less of a problem to me if someone else's is too. So when I'm not exercising at all, for months on end, I feel a whole lot better if I learn that a friend is also not exercising. The LAST thing I want to hear, when I'm not exercising for months on end, is that someone else is...

Anyway, after months of doing very little, I have now bitten the bullet (thanks to my blogging pal Supergroup and her readers who've given me lots of lovely encouragement and support) and I've (a) returned to karate and (b) started to do sit-ups and press-ups every other day (on account of being too stiff to do them on the off-days - recovering from the on-days).

My husband is also encouraging me with this - although I draw the line at having him present when I press- and sit-up. No way. (For a start, I don't want anyone telling me my press-ups are "not", as my arms barely bend and my nose shifts a mere millimetre up and down as I do them).

I feel better for all this, I really do - much happier. And the more you exercise, the more you want to exercise. I was doing hand-stands in the park the other day (I love being nearly 40 - all inhibitions have now just about vanished).

When I posted about my proposed dietary regime a short while back I thought that my proposal number three (which was basically 'do some exercise') was the one I'd fail to achieve. As it is, it's the other two resolutions (whatever they were...!!!????) that I've probably fallen down on...


Louise said...

Go Ruth!

I have a mental block with exercise, which is why I disguise it with nature and walk a couple of miles everyday. Gentle, but effective over a long period of time and I don't feel like I'm beating myself up to do something I detest. It's good for my state of mind too, which does suffer from time to time. Sorted!

Know what you mean about failing at some resolutions. The only time I can give up alcohol and not miss it is when David is away, I don't drink alone. Not going to be very practical in the next year, he's going to start a six month course here and not be going away. Ooops.

Grief, that makes me sound like a real alchie. (Alky, alchy? Goodness only knows...)

Mary Beth said...

Good for you and your exercise! I was just thinking this morning as I was taking Joshua for a walk that I am so out of shape right now it's embarrassing. I was winded going up an incline on our street, although I'm getting less winded every day I do it. I used to be in really good shape. Now if I could just find that Pilates DVD...

Let me know if your leg falls off.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow - I'd settle for having been able to do handstands at ... well, any age really.

I was complemented for looking "much trimmer" by a colleague yesterday - in fact my trousers are tighter as I've put on a good 5 lb over the summer - I put it down to not cycling to and from work.

So back to work means back to cycling, which can only be a good thing. So maybe I've been exercising? (And Greenbelt was definitely exercise - John reckons he must have walked about 8 miles round the campsite on Saturday!)

But my left leg hasn't fallen off...

Mir said...

Good for you! Well done!

You know what? I think that taking the first step is always the hardest part to any journey.

Now that you've added exercise to your day, just vary the type so that you do not get bored doing the same old thing.

Here I am cheering you on from the other side of the ocean.. Can you hear it yet?

Ruth said...

Lots of lovely encouragement - thank you - and I'm glad no left legs are dropping off!

My hand-stands were funny - to start with I didn't give it enough oomph, and couldn't get my legs up in the air properly - this happened several times - and then I over-did it and went straight over, landing of my back and banging my head. My children loved the spectacle!

Lizzie Woolley said...

What style of karate did you pick?

Ruth said...

Hi Lizzie,

I returned to shotokan, which is what I was doing until 5 years ago. I tried to re-start it 6 months ago and fizzled out. This time round, I'm really making a big effort with it - starting with just kata lessons and then moving onto basics and kumite.

I am also going to try tai chi - first class is Monday evening. I'd like to do both.

I am really enjoying my return to kata! I am only allowing myself to attempt brown belt katas and below. I am leaving the more advanced ones that I once knew until I've returned to feeling comfortable with the others.

I'd love to hear more about your martial arts interest... and I will visit your site!
