Monday, August 28, 2006

The Average Englishman is Born A Double Whiskey Below Parr

I have just consumed 4 units of bubbly wine which means I'm up to parr - and I have to say, it feels totally wonderful! I wish that I always felt this way. All smiley and relaxed. Of course, I now have to do battle with my desire for another couple of units. That would be bad news - all silly and slurry and, tomorrow, all dehydrated.

Last night's Proms was wonderful (but then I'd enjoyed a glass of champagne on the way in). Mmm, do I sound like a bit of a...

Three great things about yesterday evening:
(1) Glass of champagne in fabulous company before the concert began
(2) Mozart's Requiem. Now, anyone who goes to the Proms has probably heard this Requiem at least 20 times and sung in it at least twice, and it was performed with this attitude: "we know you know it; we know you love it; we're not going to dwell on it; we'll merely remind you of it; here it is, at quite a pace." wwwhooooo - they whizzed through it - it was brilliant!!!
(3) My dear, dear husband collected me from the Royal Albert Hall, with two sleeping children in the back of the car, which saved me from the scary journey home on the tube late at night and meant that I got to see London at night - all lit up!

That's it for me, proms-wise. I have to wait for next year now. But I am so grateful to my sister for taking me to three of them this year. I had forgotten how fantastic and magical live orchestral and organ and choral music is.


Louise said...

You lucky, lucky thing you! I can't remember the last time I was treated to live orchestral/classical/choral music of any kind, it must have been with my mother in Grimsby somewhere, but it was always a magical, stirring and emotional experience.

By the way, in Scotland, we have whisky...

Much love xx

Mary Beth said...

I don't know which makes me more jealous--Mozart's Requiem or partaking of the bubbly (I'm still nursing and trying to be good!)

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know - it's Blog Day today, and I've linked to you...