Thursday, November 16, 2006

No Comment!

I don't know WHAT I've done now, but I can't comment on my blog, or on other people's blogs.

But I wanted to thank you for your comments on diet below - extremely interesting. I've read a lot about what to eat and not to eat for a healthy heart and to avoid cancer etc. - and what to feed my children to achieve maximum IQ and the whole lot.

Well. My Aunty D lived into her 90s on a diet of moderation in all things, except laughter, which she enjoyed in excess! I think I'll go with that!

(She was staying with us once - I was in my teens - and I was frying up some popadums. "What are those?", she asked. I told her. "Hmph,", she shrugged, "the only goodness in those is the fat you're frying them in")!!


Louise said...

That must be so frustrating! If you think your comments really, really hard in your head, perhaps I'll hear them in mine.


Think harder!

Maybe not...


Ruth said...

Can I comment here....?

Ruth said...

My I.T. skills are brilliant: something goes wrong. You leave it for a while. Then a while longer. And it fixes itself.

And failing that, you get Anne to give her dh a nudge and he sorts it!

Louise said...

Nice to have you back. Again.

I think, personally, it's just an attention seeking thing...


Ruth said...

.. that might explain where my daughter gets it from....!!

Anonymous said...

ابن بطوطه السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته اولا اشكرك علي الزياره الكريمه واشكر لك تعريفنا رحلاتك وهذه الاماكن الجميله وتفصيلاتها والصور التي نقلتها وحضارتها واتمني ان نري منك صورا وزيارات لوطننا العربي اتمني ان اري صور من تونس والجزائر والمغرب وليبيا ومصر والسعوديه وموريتانيا والكويت والعراق وقطر والبحرين وعمان والامارت والاردن وفلسطين ولبنان وكل الدول العربيه لااعترض علي زياراتك هذه الاماكن ولكن نتمني ايضا زيارت اوطاننا بتمعن ونقل حضاراتها الااسلاميه