Monday, November 27, 2006

Bad Day

Today's a bad day. It's 2pm and I've just decided to write today off as a bad day and hope that tomorrow will be better (which is bad because days are precious and should be savoured to the full).

Both children have bad colds- therefore Michael's at home and not at school. Both are very volatile as they feel ill, and I estimate that at least 50% of the day so far hs been spent listening to Isabel screaming.

Today is a day when I have to work hard at remaining sane. At the moment, I am thinking the following and it is helping: in 5 hous time, they will be in bed and I can have a nice glass of red wine and a bath.. hey... I can even watch my James Bond DVD (forgotten which one I bought now...(!)... double 'o' heaven. Great escapism!

(I now know why I couldn't comment before. I won't bore you with the details, but it shouldn't happen again...)


Louise said...

OOoo er Mrs, gone for a different look then? Smart. Just what you need to brighten up a 'bad day'.

That feeling of inadequacy, because you can't do anything to make them feel any better, (except Calpol...) and they're not quite old enough to understand it takes a little time. Rotten for everyone.

Ciara and Conall have just had a bout of snuffles, Conall is just left with a loose, but annoying, cough, but they haven't been ill with it, bless them, they just carry on.

That probably says more about me and my nursing skills. Or lack of.

Don't run out of tissues with balm! Nothing worse than a dry, chapped nose you need to keep blowing.


Ruth said...

... just run out of tissues completely. We're onto the loo roll now! Hurry up home, Daddy!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you. We had my whole family here for the Thanksgiving holiday (including my now-British brother and sister-in-law, congrats you two on your fancy British passports) and sweet nephew brought an extra present of drippy nose and cough. Now big boy is snotty -- and doesn't yet know how to blow his nose -- and baby is congested, and yes, indeed, Mommy has a sore throat this morning. Ugh.

Ruth said...


I realy hope you're feeling better! I'm about to give in and take some 'day nurse', which will knock me out for a bit (I'm not driving or operating heavy machinery today!!!)

Husband's off today so he's done the school run (yippee - and I promised to be out of my dressing gown when he returned ... out of my dressing gwon and fully dressed, I should add!!!). Then we've got to take Isabel to find out whether they can improve her hearing (nothing too serious - she'll be fine when she's older, but for now her ears are often blocked and this is affecting her ability to hear (and speak).