Monday, January 01, 2007


That's how my house looks now that I've taken down the Christmas decorations. I 'go for it big time' (gosh, I bet that phrase is, like, well dated) with the Christmas dex - and they do add a touch of magic to the house (thanks, primarily to the tree lights and candles I dot about the place). I felt sad at boxing them all up for another year..... or 11 months, really, if you think about it...

I love the magic of Christmas. I love the excuse not to face reality for a few days. I love the films and the music and the food and the drink....

....I love the way Christmas forces you to look back on years gone by (with sadness and joy). You just can't help it. (Some of the baubles on our tree, were hanging on the tree when I was a child, and were hanging on mum's tree when she was a child).

All over now - the magic, baubles and all, is packed away in the loft, and I've got to have the children's feet measured before school starts, take Isabel for a vaccination on Friday, go to the dentist, get Michael's hair cut, paint the skirting boards (please tell me how to do that with a two year old in the house), and, finally, re-visit my spending habits to see if there are any cut-backs I can possibly make because, at the moment, we can fund bills, car, food and ... everything - except clothes. We've no allowance for clothes. And I, for one, do not want to be still wearing this turquoise jumper, that didn't suit me much when I bought it three years ago, this time next year!!

Come on, Ruth, just think of a story. Something along the lines of Harry Potter, but obviously not Harry Potter. Just think of a story and write it down, get it published, and cast that jumper into the re-cycle bin for ever!!!


Louise said...

That title got my attention.

My dex come down Friday, although this year, I don't have the pleasure of doing it in peace, the children don't go back to schoool till Monday. Bum.

Having decorations from your mum's childhood is wonderful. I don't. But I have some from my children's childhood! In time...

You're writing a book to replace your turquoise jumper. I want to win the Lottery to replace my life!

I've found the house.

You know, THE house.

Well, it's a steading (barn) for conversion really. On the West Coast. Just where I want.

Bit bigger than a jumper. Just as desirable.

Mine's slightly more unobtainable though, perhaps.

Cut backs? Yep, we're doing those. Less meat, less wine, (no car...) little things, you know the sort.

Drink? I've had a few. Bit of bubbly, wine to go with the rib roast and yorkies, (have you tried James's? Oh, the best) so perhaps I should 'Go now!'.

Ruth said...

Jamies's? (I take it!) No. Spill the beans. I take my yorkies VERY seriously!!

Louise said...

James Martin, not Oliver.

8 oz Pl flour
8 fl oz milk
8 eggs
pinch salt

20 mins at 210 degs.

They are fab.


Without fail.

And I only make half the mix for the six of us, but if you make extra yorkies, they freeze and re-heat well.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm back to work tomorrow - 3 lessons to teach. (Maths. Hmm - something to do with numbers - right?) And Adam isn't back until Thursday.

Our tree will be up a couple of days more, but not that long.

And as for the jumper - I got all excited when I read the word "cast" alongside the word "jumper" - the phrase is "Cast on", not just cast...

(And Louise - we're seriously thinking of giving up the car too in the next few months. Preferably before it dies on us...)

Louise said...

Oh Anne, know that feeling soooo well, that's how it all started.

Good luck! And enjoy, it is actually quite liberating.


Louise said...

And I'll be casting on too. Ciara got a beginners knitting set for Christmas, courtesy of my sister.

Thanks Cathy.

I don't think I can wait for Grandma's visit next July/August. Pass me the needles.

Ruth said...

You're right. I have needles. I have wool. I have patterns. All I lack is stamina. I don't feel that I'm a natural at the creative arts....

Louise said...

It's when you use a slightly fluffy wool (I knitted an emerald green, angora cropped cardigan once) and get little bits of really tickly wool stuck everywhere and especially up your nose. Arrgghhh!