Friday, August 18, 2006

And she scores her century

This is my one hundredth post! And I'd like to use it to say thank you to everyone who has ever commented on any of my posts (except, perhaps, the spammer who wanted to sell condoms). I have met some really lovely people through blogging and I have received some absolute pearls of wisdom - I always visit the blogs of those who comment on me - and I can categorically say that you are a WONDERFUL CROWD!

Now here's a thing: any of you watch "The F Word" with Gordon Ramsey (sorry if you live abroad - you won't get the programme I don't think - although that doesn't preclude you from joining in)?

GR needs teams of 4 people to cook in his kitchen whilst he effs, blinds and belittles them - there's a sort of competition week on week to see which team produces the best three course meal for his restaurant guests (as scored by the restaurant guests). It's a test of (1) culinary skills, and (2) most importantly - ability to function under pressure. I'd love to take part but need three others - and we have to have something in common (so you get: brothers, nurses, etc.) How about 4 bloggers???

Lots of love from me, and here's to another 100 posts!


Mary Beth said...

Congratulations! I second your toast to 100 more posts!

Louise said...

"Congratulations and celebrations...", well done you! Although my darling hubby would say we obviously have too much time on our hands, what does he know? It's the closest I have to a social life and like you say, you meet loads of new people.

The F Word. Yes, I've watched it from time to time and managed not to become addicted. Yet.

Part of a team, eh? Well, see how many others you can sign up. Might be a terrifying laugh. I'd love to sweat on national television...

Much love

Anonymous said...

The F Word - er, it's frightfully kind of you Ruth but, no, I'm going to humiliate myself with a gruffalo...

Anne said...

And Congratulations on your 100th post.

Ruth said...

Looks like it's just you and me, Louise! Shame! We need 4 for a team. I'll have to sleep on it.

"... humiliate myself with a gruffalo..."????

Louise said...

I was hoping, secretly, that noone else would have the guts. Phew!!

Louise said...

There's always Ready Steady? I'd LOVE to go on Saturday Kitchen with James Martin, but I think I might drool too much...

Ruth said...

Hey - we'd be fighting over him!

I like this idea - a lot.

Louise said...

Tempting, sorely tempting.

Very, very tempting.

As a pastry chef, odds on he likes good quality chocolate too, just like me.

So much in common!