Friday, August 11, 2006

Soap Box

"Coronation Street" is the most watched TV programme in GB, with an audience of 11 - 13 million. I am concerned about a recent scene.

Teen-mum was being fitted for her wedding dress. Great-Grandma was at the fitting, mother was walking the street and happened to mention to someone that uncle was "out". So who was looking after the baby?

They do this a lot in TV drama. People have babies and then, the next minute, go to the pub to celebrate, without so much as a mention of where the baby is, never mind who's caring for it and feeding it.

Claire (in the same soap) recently gave birth. She was about to take the baby in a pram onto a bus, to do some shopping. "Let me look after him," said a kindly Audrey. "OK," came the reply and the pram was passed from Claire to Audrey and she was off to the bus and away. What about feeds? What about nappies?

I think that popular TV dramas like this dangerously conceal the degree to which having a baby impacts upon your life. Not good when we have the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in Europe.


Louise said...

A very good and valid point.

But as David would say, "It's only television."

Which is also true.

My worry would be about those that cannot make the differentiation and might therefore emulate what they see.


Anonymous said...

Everyone but no one can afford a nanny; that's where all the invisible babies go. And then when they're 3 or 4 (and impossible to control on set) they either disappear for a few years or come back age 15 (at least in the States). Brilliant.

Ruth said...

Hi Jenny

I can't wait to hear the news of your birth... keep us posted and good luck!