Sunday, September 03, 2006

We Understand

My little daughter is at that wonderful age when only I, my husband and her brother understand what she is saying. So, if I ask her whether she wants to play outside and she shouts "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", we know that she actually means "YES". And if we're indoors and she wants to play outside, she'll say (or shout, because that's what she does): "HIDE", with a wonderful, throaty, 'cat spewing up a fur-ball' type sound just before the "H". And we know exactly what she means. She's got "apple" down to a fine art, though. She says "apple" clear as a bell. The only problem is that every fruit that is not an orange or banana is an apple. Even grapes are apples....

I do love this stage. In fact, the "terrible twos" are when I really begin to enjoy my children!


Anonymous said...

Want to borrow your goddaughter for a bit then? She's in her terrible twos, oh yes she is!

Mary Beth said...

That sounds confusing but fun!