Wednesday, September 06, 2006

One book…

Thanks for tagging me John. I'm gonna enjoy this!

1. One book that changed your life:
'Making History' by Stephen Fry - it made me read lots more books about the Second World War and holocaust, and I then I took myself off to Eastern Europe to see places that had featured in what I'd read. Then it all got too distressing and I stopped reading and visiting.

2. One book you’ve read more than once:
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (it was my A' level text, but that's not the only reason for re-reading it - I mean I've read it many times since)

3. One book you’d want on a desert island:
OK, this will seem odd. It's more of a pamphlet than a book. It was produced for the memorial service of a family friend called Hugh Bishop - it contained a few of his sermons and some of his writings. Lots of wisdom. A great, charismatic and joyful person. Enough to turn you to religion! I turn to it often, when in a crisis. Actually, I don't turn to it any more. I lent it to a curate and haven't had it back - but I believe he has used bits of it in his sermons and I'm delighted about that. (Mum has a copy though)

4. A book that made you laugh:
Second From Last in the Sack Race - David Nobbs - and I was in labour when I read it. Anything that can make you laugh when in labour HAS to be funny!

5. A book that made you cry:
Flambards by ??? (sorry, should know that, c'mon Ruth, I can almost see it on the book cover..... doh). I was quite young.

6. A book I wish I’d written:
All of the Harry Potters....... $$$$$$

7. A book I wish had never been written:
The Harry Potters - then I could have done so (like, as if). Actually there are lots that I think are roooobish. I once wrote to M&S to complain about the grammar in one of their children's books (and, I mean, mine's not good but this....)

8. A book I am currently reading:
Loads: Here's one: Elizabeth the Queen by Alison Weir. I'm making hard work of this one. I'm sure it's brilliant - her other books are, but's not exactly light, bedtime reading

9. A book I’ve been meaning to read:
Man on a Donkey, by Hilda Prescott

10. A book I wish had been written:
Something that covers what life was life for women in England in 1500s and 1600s (including child-birth and child-rearing, and living with the knowledge that child-birth would probably kill you , if something else didn't first). I want to know about the minds of those women. Isn't it funny that we're all older now than we would have been when we died, if we'd lived 500 years ago. If you have come across such a book, please let me know. I THINK it's something that's not been written about. And I've searched high and low.


Six Wierd Things About Me (come one Anne, you've not done these, but I think John wanted us to do both!!)

Well, actually, there are no wierd things about me. I am the Man on the Clapham Omnibus. I think that my lack of ability to make polite, trivial conversation means that lots of people might THINK that I'm wierd. But I'm not. I just don't do "the price of bread" conversations. (If you don't want to know about my haemarrhoids, then why did you ask me how I was?)! - and I am not spell-checking that.

So here are 6 wierd things about my husband:

(1) he married me, for heaven's sake.
(2) he is an electriciany type person (hang on, I've not finished yet). He is an electriciany, engineery, phone-mendingy type person and yet: nothing blumin works in this 'ouse. Our phone - now that's wierd. We have 4. I pick one up (if ANY are in the mood for ringing, and the other three continue to blinkin' ring. So I'm on the blower, and I can't hear myself think because I've three phones ringing in the background. And it's not just the phone. The telly's on the blink, the bath only runs hot if you've the skills of a safe-cracker with the hot tap, the computer takes for ever and a day to boot up (cos he's installed that many anti virus things) and, ooooooooh, REALLY
(3) his second toe is a lot longer than the rest - but he tells me that's normal (mine graduate from longest to shortest, the big toe being the longest. He says THAT'S wierd!!!!!!)
(4) he laughs at random, for no apparent reason. And when I ask him what's funny, he says 'nothing'
(5) If you were to ask him to remove the wallpaper from a really massive room, and then re-decorate it, he'd do it. No problem. He wouldn't get bored after 45 seconds. Nope. He'd do the lot. Day in. Day out. Till the job was completed. Then he'd move to the spare room, er, I mean the next room, and do that one too.
(6) He takes the same packed lunch to work EVERY DAY. I kid you not. It doesn't vary one iota. And he'd love for us to have a weekly rota of evening meals...

Gawd, he is one adorable wierdo!!!!!!

(And he never reads my blog)



Ruth said...

Re: Weird things about my husband #3 - it's not actually A LOT longer than the rest. Just about 2mm longer (if that).

Anonymous said...

Ah - I fooled you - I only did the books to start with, then as valuable soaking-in-the-bath-with
-the-house-to-myself time was being used up, I left the wierd things until later.

Ruth said...

Oh S**t, wierd. I before E except after C. Right, I'm going in to edit, quick before anyone else notices!!

Ruth said...

...Hah, Done.

I'm not sure whether Alison Weir is I before E except after c or not. But she'll have to stay as she is - and apologies if I got it wrong!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, "weird" is spelled with the e before the i (check your OED!).

As for toes - both "big toe largest" and "second toe largest" are common patterns. My weird "middle toe largest" is...weird :-)

And if you want me to sort your computer out sometime, just invite us over :-D

pax et bonum

Ruth said...

Agh. ANNE: that's YOUR fault.I have changed all my weirds to wierd and it's all your fault! :-)
This matters not a jot - I feel all the better for knowing that I'm not the only one in blogdom who makes the occasional spelling mistake (how many 's's in occasional....?
John: I now want to see a photo of your feet please!

Kathryn said...

Flambards is by K M Peyton...and both DarlingDaughter and I love(d) it- though not as much perhaps as Fly By Night, another of hers, whose heroine is Ruth.
I've just finished Alison Weir's attempt at fiction "Innocent Traitor2 about Lady Jane Grey - but not truly sure why I bothered. She really can't "do" fiction at all, imho.
Hope M is feeling better and has decided against passing on his lurgey.

Anonymous said...

If you could please send your hubby over here to finish my bathroom, that would be just perfect. We'll just try to stay out of the way.

when we moved here the whole house had to have the wallpaper (1970s disgusting) stripped, and over course there was no sizing on the walls, so it was a CHORE, and did I mention I was 8 months pregnant, so My hubby got to do it ALL? So a few things didn't get done then. They weren't vital to getting carpet down and furniture moved in. Two years later...

Anonymous said...

p.s. the longer second toe thing -- it's called Morton's Toe and it's hereditary. My toes are properly proportioned with the largest the first and so on... as is proper. :)

Sarah said...

My second toe is longer too. I think it looks very nice.

Jennifer said...

Hi Ruth! Thanks for your comment the other day. I recently did this meme, too. Wuthering Heights was the first "big" book I read, and I loved it. Very ingenious of you to list your husband's weird traits instead of your own. I doubt if I could stop at 6, though. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruth, it's Louise! Just wondered if it might let me comment this way.

It obviously does, 'cos my comment is here!


Ruth said...

K M Peyton - that's it! Thanks Kathryn!

Very impressed by everyone's knowledge about feet!