Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I got this idea from my friend Anne's blog and couldn't resist it...

Seven things to do before I die
Seven things I cannot do
Seven things that attract me to my spouse
Seven things I say most often
Seven books (or series) I love
Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would watch over and over if I had the time)
Seven people I want to join in, too

Seven things to do before I die
Live several more decades
Learn to play a musical instrument well
Learn to speak Italian well
Conquer my irrational anxieties
dive into a swimming pool
Be optimistic without thinking that something is bound to go wrong because I'm being optimistic
Visit New York

Seven things I cannot do
swim on my back
pick up a spider
parallel park
sit through a church service without at least one mischievous or cymical thought entering my head
wax my legs
hit a rounders ball with a rounders bat
stop talking when I know I'm becoming irritating

Seven things that attract me to Mario
Upper arms and thighs
His incredible patience
the way he lets me be me and do what I like, think what I like, say what I like
His ability to work and do more than half of the household chores
His placid nature
the lovely wine he makes, and pasta & tomato sauce
His dry sense of humour

Seven things I say most often
For pity's sake
Michael, we are going to be late
ssshhhhh Isabel
What time will you be home from work
I must stop eating all this rubbish
We've run out of food

Seven books (or series) I love
The Wind in the Willows
Faulty Towers
Wuthering Heights
A Christmas Carol
Second from Last in the Sack Race
Desperate Housewives
Julius Caesar (just one or two of the speeches that do it for me)

Seven movies I watch over and over again
Shawshank Redemption
Life of Brian
It's A Wonderful Life
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Babette's Feast (and it's funny 'cos I didn't know this was one of Anne's favourites too)!
The Godfather

Seven people I want to join in, too (no pressure!)
Aunty Christine


Anne said...

One day (prob when the children have graduated) you'll have to come over, and we'll watch Babette's Feast together. And drink wine.

Louise said...

Is Aunty Christine THE Aunty Christine? I've just shed 30 years in a split second, my childhood flashed before my eyes. Wow! What a powerful experience! Might have a shot at this blogging thing... Lots of love xxx