Tuesday, June 06, 2006

This is for Anne, but....

- a better one will follow when I get myself sorted, and
- the scarf is now a lot longer than this (nearly onto ball 3), and
- for absolutely wonderful pictures of knitting, go to Anne's blog


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous scarf - that yarn looks such fun to knit with - I love the diagonal lines.

(And gorgeous, gorgeous boy holding the scarf too!)

Ruth said...

Thank you - I am rather looking forward to wearing it next Winter!!

I love working with this wool - because the scarf is growing quite quickly!! You have said some very nice things about my straight sides on your blog - if you were to see more of a close-up (which you will, one day) you'll see that the camera does, in fact, lie!!

Mir said...

What an intricate scarf! That takes skill, and consistency! Well done.

Louise said...

It's a stunner! Keep knitting x