It's growing. Slowly I'll grant you, but it's growing!

By law, every one who has a child in Britain must purchase a toy car like this. You will not enter a British law-abiding household with children and no such vehicle.

I look as if I am saying my prayers - but actually I dislike having my photo taken and my hands are clenched through mild anxiety. A quick poem about this photo:
I can only do a grin, never a seductive pout,
If I try a seductive pout, I look a bit a like a trout.

Boy I love this scarf.

Michael's patch of the garden. He waters it every so often ... in fact whenever he's playing outside and needs a pee.
You always knew I had an anarchic streak, right? Property is theft, right? So it makes much more sense for my children to have their cars at toddler group, where everyone can use them, rather than in our house... but please don't inform on me...
Thanks for the close-up of the scarf - now I know what stitch it is :-)
;-) at Michael watering the garden!
My children have never had and never will have one of those cars. They did have a tractor and trailer, now just a battered tractor.
The knitting is fabulous. I can and do knit occasionally, but not often. I sew too, by hand and with the electric sewing machine David bought me for my birthday a few years ago... I am slowly training him on the thoughtful gift approach.
Yes, watering the garden. My friend's 3 year old is going to have to rush out of nursery to find his 'toilet' next year. The nearest drain!
You look gorgeous! NOT fat, by any stretch of the imagination. YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED! Still praying too...
David has promised me he is going to get us together. Soon.
Can't wait!!
In fact, the photo makes me want to hug you! But, that could be the two voddies and coke and two glasses of red wine making me warm and fuzzy. Still celebrating!
Just showed David the photos of you, 8-9 years old, to prove you haven't changed.
It's nice to know what you lok like!
I never had one of those cars as a child. I did have an orange sit on and ride car, which I loved very much.
Love your scarf! The colours are fantastic!
My nephews haven't got one of those cars (yet) but they have got a wooden trike thing. Does that count?
You'll have to change your profile, Ruth...clearly you are not overweight in any recognisable sense of the word at all! And it's not reasonable to hate being photographed when you emerge looking so thoroughly likeable...so stop it, do you hear?!
My children were deprived.
No such car...though they did have one at the playgroup by the time LoudBoy arrived, and they bear their scars well!
ok we did have a car, but not like this - it had a handle on it and meant daughter could be pushed everywhere her heart desired by her adoring older brother while she made her requests known!
Love the scarf - its beautiful and I do envy others ability to knit gorgeous things.
Don't know why you don't like having your photo taken either...
Your comments are very lovely. I have missed you all whilst I've been away on my holiday in Italy - just need to get my photos developed for the blog...
My over-weightedness clearly needs to be proven. Next time I'm in Boots I shall photograph (yes, really) the reading on their weighing scales, just to prove that I am indeed one stone overweight - yes: one stone. Better to be overweight than to suffer from false modesty I say!!
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