Saturday, January 20, 2007

And it's Brennon on the Moor...

Radio 4, 5.55pm yesterday, gave the best 'and finally..' ever to a news programme. Listeners were treated to a hefty snippet of the old school-children's favourite programme: "Singing Together" (from 1967). We were invited to repeat the lines of a song once or twice so that, I feel certain, when the programme closed, everyone listening was giving a rousing rendition of:

"And it's Brennon on the moor,
Brennon on the moor,
Bold, gay, dauntless, stood
Young Brennon on the moor"

Maybe you 'had to be there', but it was grand! And following our national chorus of this fine Irish ballad (albeit from our many and varied and separate kitchens and dining rooms), the news-reader simply closed the show with the words: "singing together".


Louise said...

Those were the days.

Bit before my time maybe. And yours. Nevertheless...

Louise said...

Do you know what? Everytime I think of this, I get "The Farmer Wants a Wife" etc stuck in my head. It's probably the wrong tune, I know, but it fits. It does. Try it.

Now you've got it stuck in your head too...