So, forgive me my absence, but I must limit myself to blogging outside of their waking hours only - and that is a time when I tend to be quite busy with school meetings and 'the like' ('the like' being watching my favourtie tv programmes).
I am a total glutton for praise and a friend of mine just e-mailed me to say that she was missing my blog. Really? Then blog I must! (Some of my pals read my blog during their lunch hour at work - they don't comment but they are there.... ('hello cheese!'). So if you ever comment here, they probably read yours too.....mwa mwa mwa mwa.

Anne has been described as a Domestic Goddess - and so she is (she denies it, but she IS). Anyhow, I'd like to stake my claim to being one too - just take a look at this birthday cake that I made for my laptop-obsessed son. Come on then, marks out of ten...?!
Blimey. Is that the time? I'd better dash and get said son from school....!
Oh Ruth, you are back! I've missed you.
The cake is fabulous, you are truely a talented lady. I'll post a photo of a hedgehog cake I once made for Conall's birthday. It was a little scarey, to say the least. Yours is beautiful!
Yes, I blog when I should be doing other things. Bonding with the children, making meals, tending my husband, (stuff that, he's big enough and ugly enough...) but I allow myself some pleasures as I've given up/lost so many others.
Besides, keeping in touch is important. With friends, that is, not necessarily reality...
Much love and welcome back
Yay! You're back!! :-) I've missed you loads. Although I now mostly turn the computer off during the day - apart from days like today when I already know that very little is going to get done. But we still went shopping, and we did make rock cakes (which very very nearly burnt while Ruth and I were both looking at the Charlie and Lola website - hey at least we were interacting!)
That cake is fantastic. I love it.
Out of ten I give it an eleven!
I'm so glad that you are back and well...I was beginning to worry!
I don't know how to spell the kind of happy 'ah' noise that I'm making as I read your comments! You have to help me with this - if you see that I am blog-writing or commenting between the hours of 7.00am and 7.30 pm you are to tell me off! (But not on this occassion.... this one doesn't count!!)
Having said that, we're going away for a week on Sunday so I'll be awol again I'm afraid!
My problems with blogging any hour started when we went onto broadband. The computer gets switched on at the earliest opportunity and stays on till late of an evening.
However, I may be quiet today, I feel an whopper of an hormonal headache coming on. The joys...
If we don't 'speak' before you go, (which is unlikely!) have a lovely time and send my regards to the family. Still thinking of you all!
You definitely qualify on the domestic goddess stakes, imho.
One great joy about the children being older is the absence of requests for artistic cakes. Nowdays, mind you, they are lucky if they don't have to make their own...
Have a lovely half term escape..if we don't overlap before I go to India, see you in December (though I'll try to blog when there's internet access..which won't be that often, I guess)x
Ooh...and yes, broadband is the curse of the blogging classes! Best go and DOOO something!
You are all very kindly and politely ignoring the terrible splodge on the icing just in tront of the space bar!!
I know what time it is but she's napping, she's napping. Honest, she's napping!
At this time of day it's usually me doing the napping, given half a chance...
Quite often I'd like to nap at 3 in the afternoon too but it's not considered productive when working for a housing association as opposed to, say, signing a new tenant up or dealing with anti-social behaviour.
No, I'm not implying that people who stayat home with children just sleep all day.
Ruth, I missed you too...
That's a lovely cake! How are you going to outdo it next year? I can't wait to see what you can come up with...
Nice to see you back.
Hey, Ruth!
Glad to see you back. I haven't been blogging much at all lately either. Sometimes a break is necessary for me for the same reasons you've mentioned. The little ones must come first! Good job prioritizing! I have to remind myself to do the same. Anyway, good to know you're still around.
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