My children have grown...
(don't ask!)

My husband's tomatoes have grown....

My collection of 'works of art' has grown....

Michael's sunflower has grown....

And so has his fertile imagination: this is a house of books...

and this is a playground (can you see the slides?)...
Wonderful! Love it. More please!
I'd like to do more, but me bestest photies are portrait and not landscape, and I can't get them on upright..... silly computer thing!
Those are such fun pictures, and beautiful kids!
Oh---deep nostalgia for a bucket of Early Learning Centre bricks...they inspired so many wonderful things, but now alas are consigned to the attic awaiting (help, panic, I don't feel old enough) future grandchildren.
Happy days.
But why has everyone else in the whole country got lovely flowers on their sunflower, while mine is about 10 ft tall but shows only the faintest desire to flower at all, and most certainly won't get there before the autumn sets in and upsets everything?? Grrr :-(
Mary-Beth - thanks for saying that! I try to make a point of photographing random things that they build with bricks etc (otherwise their constructions just get lost) - nice to look back on! I also photograph random art-work, some of which I keep, because I suspect that over the years it will become tatty and may well get lost.
Kathryn - Lovely to hear from you! I'm enjoying the Greenbelt series on your blog (and I know what happens in the end!!!!!)
The sunflower - well, there were two buds. My mother had insisted that neither would flower (she had a special name for it when they don't, which I can't remember) - but, hey, all of a sudden, out it came, beaming for all the world to see. Except that we are south-facing which means that we only see the back of it from the house!!
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