

Step out of the front door and what do you see? (And sometimes, when there's low cloud, you see nothing, and you are alone for the day)

Highlight of Michaels' holiday...

And (because I wanted to finish the film) my favourite drawing of Michael "as a wise man" (hence the head-gear) produced spontaneously by him after taking part in the church nativity play, Christmas 2005

Nice pictures! So "summery"! That is one happy boy on a tractor.. Did he get to go for a ride on it?
Lovely! I wish I was on holiday!
I've missed sooo much!
I'm back. Relaxed and refreshed after a major hit of mountains and the the great outdoors.
Having caught up with your blog, I have missed sooo much that I would love to have commented on and some I would have kept very quiet (one-off visits to church for a christening)....
So many people love and admire you, for being who you are, your achievements, overcoming difficulties, your beauty inside and out and for being, well, Ruth! Don't forget it and let it give you confidence. We love you for a reason, because you're worth it! (Flick long flowing locks, lick ruby red lips and smile!)
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